Functional Capacity Assessment

What is it?

A Functional Capacity Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s abilities across six domains; mobility, communication, social interaction, self-care, self-management, and learning. The assessment is designed to look at how a person’s diagnosis or disability is impacting their life, and subsequent recommendations. The OT will ask you to perform a task that is relevant to the assessment to gain an understanding of how you currently perform these tasks.

What is involved in the FCA process?

Initial Appointment: this is focused on gathering information about conditions/diagnoses the person has, what their social situation is, what is happening day to day for the person, what is a challenge/area of strength, and why they are seeking an FCA.

Assessment: this can include standardised assessments, observational assessments, home assessments or informal assessments.

Communication: speaking with other parties involved as required e.g. family members, other service providers or medical/health professionals involved (with consent provided).

Report: all of the information is gathered, evaluated and collated into a FCA Report.

Why would someone get an FCA? How does it help?

- To get a further understanding of an individual’s abilities (sometimes the NDIS may ask for one to be completed as part of the review process).

- To work out what services and supports an individual may benefit from to achieve their goals.

- To help work out what type of living situation is best suited for an individual; private housing, Indivdualised Living Options (ILO), Supported Independent Living (SIL), or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

What is not included in an FCA?

Work assessments
Complex equipment or assistive technology assessments
Cognitive assessment
Guardianship assessment
Home modification recommendations
Driving assessment/ recommendations
Behaviour or mental health assessment
Assessment of school/ educational supports
Providing evidence for tribunals

What is the cost of an FCA?

Functional Capacity Assessments cost approximately $2895.00

This is the equivalent of 15 hours of OT. Your NDIS funding may be used to cover the cost of the Functional Capacity Assessment. We recommend reviewing your plan to confirm if funds are available. If you are Plan Managed, we recommend asking the plan managers to send us an email confirming funding and invoicing requirements.